ParaNET is a registered NGO (OP, 218/051/2007/0395/4932) committed to advocating for the basic human rights of pastoral communities in Kenya. Initially established as Heralding Organisation on December 6, 2007, we rebranded as ParaNET on February 24, 2022, to better align with our evolving mission and goals.
Our primary focus is national documentation, working closely with donors, state agencies, and communities to ensure that marginalized pastoralist groups access their rights as enshrined in law and are fully informed of their responsibilities as citizens. Our commitment is to create an inclusive society where all individuals, especially those from pastoral communities, are empowered to exercise their rights and fulfill their potential.
At the national level, ParaNET advocates for the inclusion of pastoralist issues in mainstream development and works to address systemic marginalization. Regionally, we ensure that policies and programs reflect the actual needs of rural communities. Locally, we combat rights deprivation and social exclusion through information dissemination, advocacy skill development, and community engagement.
To contribute to the full realization and enjoyment of economic, social, cultural, and political rights by pastoralist communities through effective community-based civic education and national advocacy.
To see progressive pastoralist communities that are fully informed about their rights and responsibilities and are actively contributing towards the attainment of a modern and prosperous country.
Core Values:
- Respect for basic human rights
- Good governance
- Equality and equity
- Gender mainstreaming
- Respect for diversity
- Responsible stewardship, transparency, and accountability